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4 Ways To Recycle As A Business

As a business, it can be quite a challenge to recycle on a regular basis and ensure this is carried through the whole business. So, we’ve put together a few handy tips you can implement to make your business more eco-friendly.

Introduce Separate Bins

A simple way to increase your company’s recycling habits is to introduce several separate bins, allowing your employees to organise their waste effectively. Having multiple points with clear segregation for food, recyclable packing and plastic waste will make it easier. 

Keep paper recycling bins near printers to stop excess paper waste or use this paper as scrap paper for shorthand notes, before recycling it.

Rechargeable Batteries

If your business uses batteries on a regular basis, rather than continually repurchasing new ones, buy rechargeable ones with a charger. This will mean you won’t need to keep buying new batteries and also reduce how many you send to waste too. Once they’ve reached the end of their life span, find a suitable recycling option. 

Offer Carshare Incentives 

Another option, where possible, as a business, offering your employees incentives to carshare is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and encourage employees to take part. Incentives can vary from business to business, including time off, vouchers or discounts, depending on the product or services you offer. Understandably this isn’t possible during the current COVID-19 situation and so it might be something to avoid until car share is safe.

Choose A Waste Contractor 

Hiring a regular waste contractor for all your waste solutions is an effective way to help your business recycle better. They will collect and dispose of your waste as and when you require, working to a schedule you set. At Dial A Bin, we offer coloured bins with scheduled collections, so you’ll know exactly when your waste will be collected.

Contact Our Team

If you’d like to book our waste collection services or find out more about our recycling services in Daventry and surrounding areas then contact our team on 01280 851081. Alternatively, use our online contact form and we’ll be in touch. 

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